- flexible education柔性教育
- Theory and Application of Soft-Computing软计算理论及应用
- Software test technology软件测试技术
- Tools & Environment for Software Developing软件开发工具与环境
- Software Quality and Testing软件质量与测试
- weak signal detection弱信号检测
- trivium三科{文法、逻辑、修辞}
- sandwich course三明治课程
- Tricep Pulldown三头肌下压
- three-dimensional flow theory三元流动理论
- Color contrast色彩对比
- color-mixture色彩混合
- Upland Experimental Farm山地实验农场
- cancellation test删涂测验
- mercantile marine school商船学校
- business English商务英语
- business school商学院
- Practice of Business Bank商业银行实务
- machine operation上机操作
- Uplift上提
- moron上愚
- girlhood少女期
- social guidance社会导引
- Theories & Methods for Social Investigation社会调查的理论与方法
- survey research methods社会调查方法
- social service training社会服务训练
- professionals of social education institutes社会教育机构专业人员
- academy of social sciences社会科学院
- social field社会领域
- Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用
- social problem investigation社会问题研究
- Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学简论
- Current Issues in Theories of Sociology社会学理论专题
- Research on Problems of Sociology社会学问题研究
- sociological research methodology社会学研究方法
- social factors社会因素
- Finance of Socialism社会主义财政学
- socialist education社会主义教育
- Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会主义各国政经体制讨论
- corporation school社团学校{美}
- management of foreign-related enterpreses涉外企业管理
- photography摄影技术
- Photojournalism摄影新闻学
- Certificate of Eligibility身份合格证书
- Duration of Status身份有效期
- height-weight table身高体重表
- health impairments身体病弱
- physical examination身体检查,体格检查
- physical age身体年龄
- Team of Professionals Specializing in Education for the Disabled身心障碍教育专业团队