- Steam Turbine Thermal Property汽轮机热力特性
- Principle of Steam Turbine汽轮机原理
- Course Design of Foundations砌体课程设计
- Forward press前压,击球前身体的前倾
- modest adj.谦虚的,质朴的
- pietism虔敬主义
- submarine maneuvering潜艇操纵
- Submarine Statics潜艇静力学
- Submarine Intensity潜艇强度
- Submarine Arming潜艇武备
- Submarine Equipment潜艇装置
- Strong Current Technology强电流技术
- compulsory attendance;forced attendance at school强迫就学
- attendance bureau;bureau of attendance强迫入学局
- law of intensity强因律
- Overseas Chinese and Foreign Students Advising Section侨生及外籍生辅导组
- Sit down切击的球落到球洞区上之后倒旋并停止
- Metal Cutting Principle & Tools切削原理及刀具
- parent-teacher association亲师会
- Ethics for Youth青年伦理学
- youth sociology青年社会学
- teenager's guidance program青少年辅导计画
- affection情感[作用],感情
- complex情结,复结
- leave of absence请假
- the life instinct求生本能
- fairway球道
- Inside球道内侧
- Outside球道外侧
- Apron球洞四周草坡,草地四周下垂斜面
- mascot球队吉祥物
- Ball Rack球架
- Pin球瓶
- Pin Deck球瓶区
- Re-Rack球瓶重设
- Setup球员为进行击球准备做好身体姿势
- department区,科,部,系
- drive躯力
- sampling method取样法
- Full-time Student全部时间用于学习的正规学生
- team foul全队的累计犯规
- All-Optical Communication Systems全光通信系统
- GNVQ(General National Vocational Qualification)全国通用职业资格
- NISS(National Information Services and Systems)全国信息服务系统
- NUS(National Union of Students)全国学生联合会
- NARIC(National Academic Recognition Information Centre)全国学术认证信息中心
- NVQ(National Vocational Qualification)全国职业证书
- Whole-course design全过程设计
- versatility全能,球员技术全面。
- truancy officer劝学官员