- cooking school烹调学校,烹饪学校
- critical score批判分数
- criticism lesson批评课
- Fatigue Fracture Mechanics疲劳断裂力学
- Fatigue Invalidation Analysis疲劳失效分析
- The Recent Methods of Partial Differential E quations偏微分方程近代方法
- partial correlation偏相关,净相关
- remote or special needs area偏远或特殊地区
- character test品格测验
- character building;formation of character品格培养
- character rating品格评比
- character diagnosis品格诊断,品性诊断
- quality test品质测验
- time of employment聘期
- Average平均数
- planar design平面设计
- Commentary Report评报
- rating评定等第
- Commentary Writing评论写作
- senate;university council评议会{大学}
- rescue扑救
- general education普通教育
- general biology普通生物学
- common school普通学校
- GCSE普通中等教育证书
- Seven liberal arts七艺{文法、逻辑、修辞、音乐、算数、几何、天文}
- Serials Department期刊组
- final exam期末考试
- other significant handicaps其他显著障碍
- other special talents其他特殊才能
- chivalric education骑士教育
- Planning Section企划组
- financial management of enterprises企业财务管理
- Management of Enterprise Supply & Sales企业供销管理
- Enterprise Management & Technological Economy企业管理与技术经济
- Business Accounting企业会计学
- Enterprise Management Economics企业经营经济学
- enterprise financial management企业理财
- Enterprise Sociology企业社会学
- Productive Physical Distribution of Enterprise企业生产物流
- Enterprise Logistics企业物流
- the Enlightenment启蒙运动
- Principles of Air Valves气阀原理
- Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow气固两相流
- Gas Discharge & Application气体放电及应用
- gas laser气体激光器
- automobile driving technique汽车驾驶技术
- turbine regulation汽轮机调节
- Steam Turhine Adjustment & Simulation汽轮机调节与仿真
- Steam Turbine Course Design汽轮机课程设计