- real school实科学校{德}
- Practicum and Internship Section实习辅导组
- probationer实习生,实习牧师
- experimental method实验法
- experimental mechanics实验力学
- Basis of Experimental Mechanics实验力学基础
- Experimental Forest Administration实验林管理处
- Experimental Flowing Object实验流体
- experimental stress analysis实验应力分析
- positive psychology实证心理学
- material culture实质陶冶
- material discipline实质训练
- chronological age {= C.A.}实足年龄,实龄
- Food Processing Machinery食品机械与设备
- Principle of Food Packaging食品包装原理
- Food Research and Development食品研究与开发
- Food Nutrition and Hygiene食品营养与卫生学
- Food Packaging食品贮运与包装
- enrich vt.使富裕,使丰富
- Modern History of World Economy世界近现代经济史
- modern and contemporary history of the world世界近现代史
- International Market Analysis世界市场行情
- World cultural history世界文化史
- World Politic Economy & International Relationship世界政治经济与国际关系
- marketing市场学
- marketing市场营销学
- Marketing and Advertising市场营销与广告
- Marketing and communications市场营销与通讯
- Market forecasting市场预测
- as a matter of fact事实上,其实
- TG事务组
- inspect视察
- supervision视导
- Visual Merchandising Management视觉商品广告管理
- Multimedia Service Department视听服务组
- Audio-Visual Classroom视听教室
- measurement of visual area视阈测量
- probationary teacher试用教师
- probationary year试用年
- probationary certificate试用证明
- Indoor golf室内高尔夫球
- Adaptive control适应控制系统
- a socialist education system with distinct Chinese characteristics that meets the needs of socialist 适应社会主义现代化建设需要,面向二十一世纪,具有中国特色的社会主义教育体系。
- handball手球
- wrist flex手腕下压
- aided school受公款补助学校{英}
- Molecular Biology of Fertilization受精的分子生物学
- Receptor Biochemistry受体生物化学
- education of prisoner受刑人教育
- veterinary college兽医学院