with reference to
基本解释adv. 关于
1. 关于,有关
2. 关于,根据
3. 根据
4. 有关
2. 关于,根据
3. 根据
4. 有关
- By aiding individual firms the fed broke its policy of creating moneyonly with reference to the economy as a whole .
- 美联储援助单个公司的做法,违背了其仅在与整体经济相关时才会创造货币的方针。
- Earlier this week robert zoellick world bank president startled many with his suggestion that currency values be determined with reference to gold .
- 本周早些时候,世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐利克(robertzoellick)提出,各国汇率应参照金价确定,此言令许多人震惊。
- Because if people knew what to do with a surplus with reference to the existing social institutions then it wouldn 't be a surplus would it ?
- 如果人们知道如何参照现行的社会机构处理盈余,那么它就不再是盈余了,对吗?
- The main aspect of our reform is to de-peg the chinese yuan from the us dollar . We pursue a managed floating exchange rate regime on the basis of market supply and demand and with reference to a basket of currencies .
- 我们的改革主要是改变单一的盯住美元,而实行根据市场需求,参照一篮子货币,有管理的浮动汇率制度。
- Estimates from professional with reference to so intangible factors .
- 从专家参考那些无形因素而作出的估计。
- Yields on yuan-denominated debt trading in hong kong are already set by the market rather than with reference to the people 's bank of china 's benchmark interest rate .
- 在香港发行的人民币债券收益率已经由市场决定,而不是参考中国央行的基准利率。
- There is a proverb with reference to the killing of cats .
- 有一句关于断送了猫的命的谚语。
- And let the same thought occur to thee with reference to every man and thing .
- 让你以同样的思想来看待每一个人和每一件事吧。
- We have adopted a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies .
- 我们采取了以市场供求为依据、参考一篮子货币的有管理的浮动汇率制。
- Article 93 enterprises with foreign investment which establish branch offices in china shall complete consolidated filings and payment of income tax with reference to the provisions of article 91 and article 92 of these rules .
- 第九十三条外商投资企业在中国境内设立分支机构的,在汇总申报缴纳所得税时,比照本细则第九十一条和第九十二条的规定办理。