single out
- Among innumerable insects I 'll single out only the ant
- 在数不清的昆虫之中,我要单单挑出正居于
- Which would you single out as the best ?
- 你觉得哪一个最好?
- It is not good public policy to single out only some innocent victims argues mr feinberg no longer the special master .
- 仅仅挑选一些无辜的受害者不是良好的公共策略,不再是特殊会长的费恩伯格(feinberg)先生辩称。
- I really don 't see why our manager should single out xiao wang for praise since we have all worked so hard this year .
- 我们今年工作得都这么努力,我真不明白我们的经理为什么单单表扬了小王一个人。
- Some people remain single out of a disinclination to settle .
- 还有一些人是因为经常搬家而保持单身。
- One would be to single out particular tax breaks for elimination .
- 其中之一就是挑选出特定的减税政策并将其废除。
- The ads this week single out disputes with south korea .
- 本周刊登的这些广告针对的是与韩国的领土争端。
- To single out an honest and intelligent man when corruption and criminality flourish may seem unfair .
- 在腐败与犯罪行为猖獗之时,单挑一位诚实与智慧并重的人出来说事,可能显得有些不公平。
- To stress single out as important .
- 当作重点挑选出来强调。
- To single out such women she came up with a clever test .
- 为了挑出这样的女人,她想出了一个聪明的测试。