with good grace
- You must learn to accept defeat with good grace .
- 你必须学会欣然承认失败。
- She accepted his criticism with good grace .
- 她大方地接受了他的批评。
- Mr abhisit deserves credit for calling for elections and for accepting defeat with good grace .
- 阿披实因召集大选并体面地接受败选结果而赢得了尊重。
- John took my advice with good grace .
- 约翰欣然地接受我的建言.
- Prof shiller tries hard to find a unit in which workers could accept with good grace a reduction in real pay ; but I do not think he succeeds .
- 席勒教授力图找到这样一种记账单位:它能让劳动者欣然接受实实在在的降薪。但我觉得他不会成功。
- Davis accepted the defeat with good grace .
- 戴维斯不失风度发接受了失败。
- She accepted the decision with good grace .
- 她欣然地接受了这个决定。
- He accepted the job with a good grace .
- 他欣然的接受了这项工作。
- They accept unhappiness with stoic good grace .
- 他们对不幸能欣然接受,泰然处之。
- He lent me the book with a good grace .
- 他很痛快地把书借给了我。