tell off
- N the flush of economic success sections of the indian elite believe that it 's time to tell off the chinese .
- 那些经济有所成就的精英们认为,是时候告诉中国人些什么了。
- Emma is going to tell off the plumber because the pipes he said he fixed is still leaking .
- 艾玛将责问水管工,为他说他修好的水管还在漏水。
- Don 't tell me off in front of the staff .
- 不要在全体工作人员面前责备我。
- They 'll tell you right off if you are a jerk .
- 如果你是蠢蛋她们会马上叫你滚蛋。
- Eg. don 't tell off your boss and co-workers even if you think they deserve it .
- 即使你认为他们该骂,也不要责骂你的上司和同事。
- I can 't tell you off hand .
- 我不能马上告诉你。
- Does anybody ever tell youto bugger off ?
- 有人告诉你不要打扰我吗?
- I am also bossy and happy to tell off teenage boys in the street when they are misbehaving .
- 我还会专横而高兴地在街上斥责那些行为不端的十几岁男孩。
- Children will want to muck about but tell them straight off that it isn 't very polite .
- 孩子们可能会胡闹但要直截了当的告诉他们那是不礼貌的行为。
- Finally one of the kazakh soldiers intervened but only to tell off the young frenchman for laughing at the institutionalised absurdity of the whole situation .
- 最后终于有一位哈萨克斯坦的士兵来关照这位货车司机了,但是他只是告诉年轻的法国司机,这么糟糕的情形只能怪制度的荒谬。