take a stand
- Felt impelled to take a stand against the issue .
- 感到被形势所迫而对这个问题采取反对立场。
- Must take a stand on environmental issues .
- 必须在环境问题上表明立场。
- If americans don 't take a stand now to protect their freedom of speech the u.s. government soon might make it a crime to warn americans about the hyperinflation that is ahead .
- 如果美国人民现在不站出来保护他们的言论自由,美国政府不久会把警告美国大众关于即将到来的超级通货膨胀定为犯罪。
- We were impelled by circumstances to take a stand .
- 我们因形势所迫而采取一个立场。
- Immediately thereafter as always happens when democrats take a stand the civility police came out in force .
- 跟每一次民主党表明立场时出现的情况一样,奥巴马提出预算案后,风纪警察立刻全体出动。
- Take a stand on safety !
- 安全上采取的立场!
- They give a broader picture take a stand and offer a comprehensive view of women both at work and as consumers as suggested in the punning title .
- 她们描绘了一幅更广阔的图景,采取了自己的立场,对女性作为职场人士与消费者的两种身份进行了全面分析。
- Big business and the city whose interests lie solidly inside the eu need to take a stand .
- 大型企业和金融城的利益正是处于欧盟内部,现在需要表明自己的立场。
- I encourage you to take a stand for what is right in your life .
- 我鼓励你在自己的生命中选择正确的立场。
- Who will take a stand for me against evildoers ?
- 谁肯为我站起抵挡作孽的。