take a pride in
- We take a lot of pride in china .
- 我们为中国感到自豪。
- And will take a new pride in being a german .
- 而当个德国人会有新的骄傲。
- Americans take a vain pride in their long life expectancy .
- 美国人对她们的长命盲目骄傲。
- This is a fact every chinese can witness and take pride in .
- 这是每一个中国人都能够亲身体会,并且引以为荣的事实。
- Nay more there are some foolish rich covetous men that take a pride in having no children because they may be thought so much the richer .
- 某些贪心不足的男人则想:他们可以结婚但不要孩子,这样他们还可以继续赚到更多的钱。
- I take great pride in giving you a hand in this project .
- 能在这个项目中助你一臂之力,我感到莫大的光荣。
- I take a lot of pride in doing a difficult job well .
- 我把困难的工作做好就感到自豪。
- We take pride in our responsibility as a new generation in our country .
- 作为国家的新一代,我们为肩负的责任感到自豪。
- They take great pride in their daughter ; she is now a famous scientist .
- 他们的女儿现已成为著名的科学家,他们感到非常自豪。
- Madrid spain : revellers dance as they take part in a gay pride parade
- 西班牙,马德里:狂欢者在“同性恋骄傲”大游行上跳舞。