suck up
1. 吸收,吸取/动词词组
2. 吸取
3. 吸起
- Another way would be growing algae in the ocean to suck up carbon dioxide .
- 另外一种办法是可以通过在海洋里种植藻类来吸收二氧化碳。
- The nutrients feed algal blooms which suck up the oxygen in the water .
- 这些营养养育了大量藻类,这些藻类吸收水中的氧气。
- And what am l supposed to do ? Suck up to her like everybody else ?
- 那我该怎么做?像其他人一样对她拍马屁吗?
- She suck up to him by agree with everything he say .
- 她巴结他,他说什么话她都同意。
- As well as benefiting from any further appreciation in facebook 's value the bank plans to suck up fees for managing the new fund .
- 高盛银行不仅会从将来facebook的升值获利,更计划从管理基金来吸金。
- No. the demand is strong enough that the market will suck up almost whatever is available without additional work .
- 不是虽说这是强大的需求但市场将吸取几乎是没有什么额外的工作的人士。
- Air is transparent to infrared so earth 's atmosphere won 't suck up energy from the beam before it reaches the ground .
- 因为地球的大气对于红外线来说是透明的,所以红外光束在达到地面前不会被吸走能量。
- How to suck up your boss .
- 标题就是如何讨好你的老板。
- That 's why you suck up to him .
- 那就是你奉承他的原因吧。