strike at
- Yemeni forces have continued to strike at jihadist cells and foreign security aid still flows .
- 也门武装力量在继续打击圣战秘密组织,国外的安全援助也仍在流入也门。
- The strike at the honda plant could hardly have happened without official acquiescence .
- 没有官方的默许,本田工厂是不太可能发生罢工的。
- A local academic says that a strike at a honda car-parts factory last year provoked more than 200 copycat strikes and protests .
- 当地一位学者说,去年发生在本田汽车零部件工厂的一次罢工激起超过200盲从者的罢工和抗议。
- Last week toyota closed a factory in the northeastern chinese city of tianjin for one day after workers held a strike at another parts supplier .
- 上周,受另一家零部件供应商工人罢工的影响,丰田汽车在中国东北部天津市的一家工厂停产了一天。
- The home office settled a dispute with customs and immigration workers which averted a threatened strike at ports and airports .
- 英国内政部成功地平息了海关工作人员的不满情绪,避免了他们在机场和港口进行罢工。
- The ensuing and unrelated strike at honda 's transmission plant in foshan another factory town has added an unexpected political element to china 's evolving labour crisis .
- 随后,在佛山本田变速器工厂发生的另一起罢工事件,为中国不断升级的劳工危机增加了一些意料外的政治元素。
- Employees at both companies in southern guangdong province locked in generous pay raises after a strike at the honda factory and a series of worker suicides at foxconn .
- 在本田变速器厂发生罢工、富士康发生一连串自杀事件之后,这两家公司在广东省的雇员均获得了大幅度提薪。
- Depression may strike at any time but women appear to be particularly vulnerable during their childbearing years .
- 沮丧情绪可能会在任何时候产生,但似乎女性在她们怀孕时期格外脆弱。
- This in turn will increase the risk that pakistan-based terrorists will strike at the u.s. or india .
- 反过来,这将增加了处于巴基斯坦境内的恐怖分子袭击美国或印度的风险。
- The president intends to introduce the death penalty for terrorists who strike at civilians .
- 总统打算提出对攻击平民的恐怖分子施行死刑。