strange to say
- Strange to say he is still ignorant of it .
- 说也奇怪,他还不知道这件事。
- Strange to say the child thrived .
- 说来也怪,孩子竟然长得很好。
- And strange to say that 's done me good .
- “倒也奇怪,吃他的药倒效验些。”
- Strange to say he should have done such a stupid thing .
- 说来也奇怪,他竟然做了这样一件蠢事。
- Strange to say he hasn 't got my letter up to now .
- 说来也奇怪,他到现在还没有收到我的信。
- Strange to say however what everyone knows isn 't true .
- 然而,说来奇怪,众所周知的事未必就是真的。
- Strange to say this era of boring banking was also an era of spectacular economic progress for most americans .
- 说也奇怪,对美国绝大多数人而言,银行业沉闷单调的时代同时也经济飞快发展的时代。
- It is very strange to say the least .
- 起码说,这非常怪异。
- And strange to say the ordinary just pick a fold down switchgrass .
- 说来奇特而又普通,就只是一根随手折下来的柳枝。
- The child fell nearly100feet ; but strange to say the fall did not kill him .
- 这孩子从近百英尺的高处跌下,但令人不可思议的是,竟然没有摔死。