strain after
- Measure of solving fund strain after establishing group co.
- 集团公司组建后资金解困的措施。
- Ireland 's finances are under strain after the government bailed out five banks after the country 's real estate boom collapsed .
- 爱尔兰财政问题面临压力,爱尔兰政府在房地产热潮崩溃后对5家银行提供了救助。
- Finally in 2010 at & t 's website crashed under the strain after just six hours of orders and apple kept only 1.5 days on inventory on hand for walk-ins which sold out on the first day .
- 最后,在2010年,at&t网站在接受订单短短6小时之后就因不堪重负而崩溃,同时苹果只为店面销售保留了1.5天的存货,并在第一天即售罄。
- He was on the disabled list earlier this season with a shoulder strain after winning most valuable player honors in helping japan defend its world baseball classic title .
- 他是伤兵名单本赛季早些时候与肩应变赢得最有价值球员荣誉,帮助日本捍卫自己的世界棒球经典赛冠军。
- Evidently confident that she is in the right ms merkel shows little sign of strain after seven months battling a severe financial crisis at home and what is shaping up as the country 's most brutal recession since the 1930s .
- 默克尔显然相信自己是正确的,她没有显示出任何重压在身的迹象,虽然她已与国内严重的金融危机搏斗了7个月,虽然这场危机正逐渐演变为上世纪30年代以来德国面临的最严重经济衰退。
- Their relationship began to crack under the strain of looking after a handicapped child .
- 由于不堪照顾一个残疾儿的重负,他们的关系开始出现裂缝。
- The results indicated that the genetic sexing strain was stable after genetic test cross .
- 经过连续测交表明遗传品系能稳定遗传。
- I don 't know how she continues to bear up under the strain of having to look after her invalid mother .
- 我不知道她是如何继续挑起照料她那病弱母亲的重担的。
- Results the engineering yeast strain didn 't lose the exogenous gene after the subculture .
- 结果该酵母工程菌经多次传代后外源基因不丢失。
- Markets were showing signs of strain a day after a global stock market rally inspired by a $ 600 billion bond-buying program from the u.s. federal reserve .
- 美联储公布高达6000亿债券购买计划后,全球股市纷纷走高,欧洲股市显示出紧张迹象。