1. 过来一会
2. 偶然过访
3. 顺便看望
4. 顺便访问
5. 路过
6. 路过,逗留
7. 顺便来访
8. 顺便经过
- You should stop by and say hello to kay .
- 你应该停下来跟凯打个招呼。
- Newzbin has no regard for uk law and it is unacceptable that it continues to infringe copyright on a massive and commercial scale when it has been ordered to stop by the high court said chris marcich european president of t
- “newzbin网站根本就是无视英国法律,更让人不可接受的是,在高等法院要求停止侵权之后,继续大规模、商业性质的侵犯版权运作,”电影协会的欧洲主席克里斯.马思奇在一份声明中说道。
- Can he stop by later ?
- 他等下能过来一趟不?
- Stop by a corporate leader 's office and introduce yourself .
- 顺便去公司老板的办公室拜访,并介绍你自己。
- Under normal circumstances this is easy to stop by keeping the ponds at room temperature with regular supplies of cool fresh water . As a result the elaborate containment facilities around reactors designed to keep any nuclear fuel that me
- 通常情况下,保持池中的温度在室温左右并及时供应冷却淡水即可阻止其反应,因此反应堆周围精心设计的防护设施只是为了防止核燃料熔化后伤及周边,对乏燃料却并不适用。
- I told mr. williams that I would stop by today .
- 我告诉过威廉姆斯先生我今天会顺道拜访。
- So go stop by and make a friendly visit to your closest palsagain !
- 因此去制止并进行友好访问离你最近的好朋友了!
- If it detects no dependent active services scm instructs the specified service to stop by forwarding the stop code to the service .
- 如果未检测到有其他活动的服务依赖于该服务,scm便会通过将停止代码转发给指定的服务来指示该服务停止运行。
- Others take cigarette breaks head to the vending machines or stop by a co-worker 's office for chit-chat as they make their way through the office .
- 也有人或抽烟休息,或到自动售货机买东西,或在出入办公室时在同事的办公室停下来进行一番闲聊。
- Think the committee could stop by ?
- 你觉得委员们可以到你家吗?