space out
- To generalise wildly there are two ways to control fertility : to have children quickly and then use contraception to stop having more or to space out births leaving longer intervals between each .
- 笼统地说,有两种控制生育的办法:一种是尽快生几个孩子之后采取避孕措施不再多生,另一种是拉开生育的间隔,每次生育之间留出更长的时间间隔。
- Space out the packages but send me all the changes of season all the day-to-day worries and joys all the holidays that I 'll miss as I sit halfway around the world from you .
- 再把包裹腾出一些空间将四季的变幻、每日的悲欢以及因我与你天各一方而即将错过的节日都寄给我。
- Will he berate me for my space out or will he lunge at clarity ?
- 他会苛责我的空间我还是会出在弓步清晰?
- That was the last time fulham town hall would play its part . With no safe balcony and limited space out the front it was an unsatisfactory end point .
- 那是富勒姆区政府最后一次承办庆祝活动。由于没有安全的阳台及门前广场空地有限,这并不是个令人满意的游街终点。
- Space out the type more .
- 把铅字的行间空大些。
- Review materials several times but space out those review sessions .
- 多温习几遍,不过将各个温习的时间拉开。
- Create another writing space out of forbidden zone and museum .
- 在禁区与博物馆外创造另一种书写空间。
- Space out the posts three metres apart .
- 把这些柱子间隔三米排开。
- Friends of mine space out on lunch dates unless outlook pings them .
- 如果不是outlook提醒,朋友们会把和我的约会都忘了。
- I decided to space out payments over five years .
- 我打算在5年内分期付款。