sleep on
- I could sleep on the table .
- 我可以睡在桌子上。
- They sleep on a dirty mattress on the factory floor .
- 他们睡在工厂地板一块脏兮兮的床垫上面。
- Live in their cars or sleep on the streets .
- 这或许是住在他们的车里,或者睡在大街上。
- To have an ex-boyfriend sleep on her couch ?
- 让她前男友睡她家的沙发可以吗?
- She always has a soft pillow to sleep on regardless of where she is .
- 那就是她无论走到哪儿,随时想要睡觉,都能有一个柔软的枕头。
- Embassy staff accommodated the adoptive parents getting them mattresses to sleep on in the immigration hall and feeding them ready-to-eat meals in heated foil packets .
- 大使馆的工作人员们给这些收养父母们安排食宿,给他们提供床垫并让他们睡在移民大厅,给他们提供铝箔包装的开袋即食食品。
- On any given night in america more than 640000 men women and children are forced to seek shelter live in their cars or sleep on the streets .
- 在美国,任何一个晚上,有64万之众的男人、女人和孩子被迫寻找歇身之处,他们或者住在车里或睡在大街上。
- In the minds of mumbai residents whether they sleep on streets or silk sheets property developers loom large .
- 在孟买居民的脑中,不论他们睡在大街上还是锦缎罗绸上,地产开发商都赫然出现了。
- Tak is more than 80 years old and so busy that people sleep on the front doorstep of his house . It took pearl months to get an appointment .
- 孟先生已经八十岁了,他的生意如此兴隆,以至人们睡在他门外来等候算命,珍珠为了这次见面早在几个月前就预约了。
- Of course he would tell me the same thing not to sleep on my stomach .
- 当然,他也会对我说同样的话,叫我不要趴着睡觉。