sit in on
基本解释v. 出席
- Rachel 's relationship with her dad is far from happy - a fact that harvey will use to his advantage when he asks rachel to sit in on depositions to distract dear old dad .
- rachel与她父亲的关系不是太愉快事实上,当harvey要求rachel坐在证人席上来分散她亲爱的老爸的注意力时,他就很好的利用了这一点。
- I was allowed to sit in on an executive meeting .
- 我获准列席一次行政会议。
- She 's gonna sit in on this . Is that okay ?
- 她坐在这里有问题么?
- That anyone with an internet connection can sit in on a virtual lecture from mr delong means that his ideas move freely beyond the boundaries of berkeley creating a welfare gain for professors and the public .
- 任何拥有互联网接入的人,都可以坐进delong先生的虚拟课堂里,这意味着他的理念可以自由且免费的穿越伯克利大学的边界,并对其他教授和公众产生了福利上的财富。
- Is there anything we can do to help ? Christy asks as she and alice sit in on an otherwise all-male facebook strategy session .
- 当克里斯蒂和爱丽丝在全部都是男生的脸书(facebook)策划会议上问马克:“有需要我们帮忙的吗?”
- Phaneuf invited taylor to sit in on his upper-division nuclear physics class and introduced him to technician bill brinsmead .
- 法诺夫邀请泰勒去旁听自己的高等核物理课程,并把他介绍给技术员比尔布林斯迈德(billbrinsmead)人士。
- Can I sit in on the meeting ?
- 我能参加会议吗?
- Could I sit in on your class ?
- 我可以旁听你的课吗?
- Can I sit in on your intermediate hittite class ?
- 我能旁听你的“中级希泰语”课程吗?
- Do you mind if I sit in on your lecture ?
- 如果我旁听你的讲座你介意吗?