sigh for
- And we sigh for it in vain ;
- 我们枉自为此叹息;
- With a sigh for every piece of money fagin put the agreed amount into her hand .
- 费金在她手上放了彼此达成协议的钱数,每放下一块钱就叹一口气。
- When you meet the right one at the wrong time you are doomed to sigh for whole life .
- 错的时间,遇见对的人,是一生叹息.
- Why do you sigh for a whole day ?
- 你为什麽叹气了一整天?
- And for when l die for them to sigh for never seeing me again .
- 当我死的时候,他们会为再也见不到我而哭泣。
- He sigh for the think of be lose .
- 他为自己的迷路而叹息。
- To reflect her blushes and give sigh for sigh .
- 映照她绯红的脸庞,和她一同叹息悲伤。
- We sigh for the conversion of life but we eager to reserve the charm of spirit more .
- 我们感慨物是人非的转换,却因此更渴望留住那精神气质的魅力长存。
- You should be grateful for what you have now when you sigh for the lost opportunity and achievement .
- 当你为失去的机会或成就而嗟叹时,请同时为现在所拥有的感恩。
- Spring festival is drawing near . The chinese students abroad sigh for home and friends .
- 春节将至,海外的中国留学生思念家乡和朋友。