run along
基本解释走开;延伸, 贯穿
- It is late . I have to run along .
- 时间已晚,我得走了。
- It 's flat and almost entirely traversable if you use the dedicated bike paths that run along the beach .
- 如果你沿着海滩沿岸的自行车专用道骑,路会很平坦非常好骑。
- Run along now children I 'm busy .
- 走开吧,孩子们,我正忙着呢。
- It is said that on stage at school principals are front-runners principals quickly run many teachers will be run along with many quickly ; principals are the masters are at the helm and you want the command sh
- 有人说,在学校的舞台上,校长是领跑者,校长跑得多快,老师们跟着就会跑多快;校长是船长,是掌舵的,你要指挥学校这艘航船乘风破浪远航,达到理想的彼岸。
- Until recently carrefour 's supermarkets in france were run along napoleonic lines .
- 直到最近,家乐福在法国的超市都是以拿破仑式的管理方法运作的。
- A visitor savors a twilight run along a beach on the island of tobago .
- 在多巴哥岛黎明的微光里,一位旅者正在海边怡人风光中跑步。
- You better run along eh ?
- 你们最好离开这嗯?
- We want it run along .
- 我们希望家俱还在这里.那幺现在,滚吧.
- And I 'll just run along up to the house ?
- 我就可以离开回屋去。
- I 'm afraid I have to run along .
- 恐怕我得走了。