push about
- He helped expose facebook as the unnamed entity behind a pr campaign in may to push negative stories about google 's privacy policy .
- 今年5月,他帮助披露了facebook是一项公关行动背后的不具名实体,该项行动旨在推动否定google的隐私政策。
- You push him hard . You get him thinking about you .
- 你使劲推他,让他想你。
- Such concerns push educators to think carefully about what type of homework they assign and how much of it .
- 这些关注使教育者们谨慎的考虑应该布置哪种类型的作业,并且作业量如何。
- Thailand plans to introduce a higher minimum wage beginning in april that will push salaries up about 40 % in many parts of the country .
- 泰国计划从4月起推出更高的最低工资标准,该国很多地区的最低工资将上涨约40%。
- He 's able to push the technology to one side and think about it in terms of just real-life action performance .
- 他能将技术发挥得淋漓尽致。用真人实景动作方式思考。
- The ad is part of china 's broader push in recent years to use its culture and people to ease international fears about its rise .
- 这个广告片是中国在海外推行的运用其文化及名人来缓解国外民众对中国崛起的恐慌的一部分。
- The un is likely to use the meeting to push for a global debate about biofuel policies particularly asking the us the european union and other countries to scrap government-mandated production targets .
- 联合国很可能利用本次会议之机呼吁举行有关生物燃料政策的国际讨论,特别是要求美国、欧洲以及其他国家废除由政府指定的生物燃料生产目标。
- He should push on with the broad economic rebalancing that the current administration has talked a lot about but done too little to implement .
- 他应当推进现任政府已经谈了很多却很少落实的全面经济结构的再平衡。
- What about nieces and nephews ? Don 't push your luck !
- 侄子和侄女呢?不要得寸进尺!
- Worries about inflation or default could start to push up interest rates .
- 对通胀及债务违约的忧虑将推高利率。