play off
- A maestro of division north korea may also try to play off differences among the other countries .
- 朝鲜精于制造分裂,它还可能尝试利用其他国家的分歧并从中渔利。
- With the exception of roy keane 's blistering first-half strike which crashed back into play off the woodwork neither team really deserved to score a goal .
- 整场比赛中,除了罗伊坚尼上半时那记被横梁挡出的绝妙抽射之外,双方都没有真正的得分机会。
- We must not try to play off the boy troubled with a stammer .
- 我们不可以去取笑这个有口吃毛病的男孩。
- Corporations often play off subcontractors to get best prices .
- 企业常常让供应商互相竞争以得到最好的价钱。
- It becomes technical and there 's nothing to play off .
- 它变得很技术化,也没有什么可以假装的东西。
- Smith and peters will play off next week .
- 史密斯和彼得斯下周举行平分决赛。
- The visitors came back the next saturday to play off the game stopped by rain .
- 客队于下周六再回来赛完因雨而中止的比赛。
- Why do you always play off joe ? I think it isn 't polite .
- 你为什么总是嘲弄乔?我认为这不礼貌。
- Watts is convinced that chimpanzees notice and predict the actions of others that they play off each other and may appear to coordinate their actions .
- 瓦茨确信黑猩猩留心并预测别人的举动,它们交相辉映,似乎在配合彼此的行动。
- If the two top teams reach the same result they will have to play off again .
- 如果这两个最强的队积分一样,他们就得在下周决一雌雄。