plan on
- When you borrow something you plan on giving it back .
- 当你借东西的时候,你会打算将来还回去。
- How do you plan on getting in shape this summer ?
- 这个夏天你又打算如何塑形呢?
- The british government announced a similar plan on tuesday .
- 周三,英国政府宣布了一项类似的计划。
- If you plan on decorating your patio with outdoor lights be sure you are using an outdoor outlet .
- 如果你想用户外灯泡来装饰你家里的院子,请确保你用的插座也是户外型号的。
- How long can you afford or how long can you plan on a government being in place to be able to watch over something ?
- 你能提供多久的监控,或者说,你能指望一个政府能够适当地关注某件事多长时间呢?
- Plan on entering the competition ?
- 你计划加入大赛了吗?
- Only people who already took this train or people who do not plan on taking it should read it .
- 只有那些已经乘坐过这次列车的,或者不打算乘坐这次的列车的,才应该读读这篇文章。
- In the virtual world members plan on taking part in a scavenger hunt and valentine-themed pajama party .
- 在there.com虚拟世界上,成员们打算参加清道夫狩猎和情人节主题的睡衣派对。
- You both should have adequate insurance especially if you plan on having children .
- 你们双方都应有足够多的保险,特别是你计划要孩子。
- A judge this week agreed to rule on its reorganisation plan on december 8th .
- 本周,一名法官同意在12月8号裁定其重组计划。