out of turn
基本解释不合时宜, 轻率
1. 不按顺序地
2. 不依顺序地
3. 不合时宜地
- Jack loses friends by speaking out of turn .
- 杰克说话轻率,因此失去了朋友。
- We were talking a little out of turn .
- 我们谈得有点轻率。
- Tom played out of turn .
- 汤姆不按顺序比赛。
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn .
- 任何人都不准不按次序买票。
- Friends knew not to say anything out of turn or our pet tasmanian devil would become wild again .
- 朋友们知道并不是说我们的宠物转弯或塔斯马尼亚魔鬼任何可能会再次成为野生。
- If they spoke out of turn they would get their heads snapped off .
- 如果他们讲话轻率冒失,就会受到劈头盖脸的训斥。
- She went out of turn .
- 她不按次序的走。
- Wait please service out of turn correct it immediately .
- 等等,发球次序错了,立即更正。
- He shouldn 't have told you : he 's spoken out of turn .
- 他不该告诉你的,他说给你听未免过手轻率。
- She offended many of her colleagues by speaking out of turn .
- 由于说话轻率,她得罪了不少同事。