1. 不得其所的,不适当的
2. 不相称,不合适
3. 不合时宜
4. 不适当的
5. 不合适的
6. 格格不入的
7. 不相称的
- A stolen kiss so out of place .
- 亲吻这么一辆偷来的地方。
- Instead it has made itself seem less out of place by joining and sometimes helping to create various regional groups .
- 该国转而通过加入(以及有时帮助创建)各种类型的地区集团,以使自己在这片区域内看上去并没有那么格格不入。
- His words is out of place today .
- 他今天的话不太合适。
- That night the concert was without doubt beautiful and gave the elite members of pyongyang society enjoyment . But to hear such gorgeous music in such a bleak environment did seem somewhat out of place .
- 毋庸置疑那天晚上的演出是美轮美奂的使平壤的精英阶层们得到了莫大的享受.可是在这样一个凄凉的环境下欣赏这样华美的音乐似乎有点不合时宜.
- I felt out of place among foreigners .
- 在外国人当中我感到不自在。
- Those wine bottle is out of place in the children 's playroom .
- 那些酒瓶不适合放在小孩子们的游戏间里。
- He seems a little out of place here .
- 他呆在这里似乎有点不合适。
- Over these past weeks I have been surrounded by people who dedicate their lives to issues greater than themselves and I have not felt out of place once neither have I felt that I have nothing to contribute .
- 过去几周,我周围都是那些献身于高于自我的问题的人,而我从未有格格不入之感,也从未觉得自己无所贡献。
- Everything in the room was out of place .
- 房间内所有东西都移了位。
- As he was implored to stay and acknowledge the supporters he muttered under his breath but finally did emerge to rejoin his team-mates swigging a bottle of water with a swagger that looked out of place .
- 当有人恳求他留下感谢球迷时,他嘴里咕哝着,但最终还是留了下来,加入队友,大口地喝着水,昂首阔步,看起来那么的格格不入。