1. 陆续
2. 一个接一个地,依次地
3. 相继地,按顺序地
4. 一个接一个
5. 一个接一个,相继
6. 相继.挨次
7. 顺次
- One after another these banks had their bad loans carved out and replaced with huge capital injections from the country 's burgeoning foreign exchange reserves .
- 这些银行接二连三地剥离不良贷款,代之以来自于中国迅速膨胀的外汇储备的巨额注资。
- These figures of gods are the various stages of the idea as they come forward one after another in dialectical development .
- 这些神像就是理念在辩证发展中依次出现的各阶段。
- After entering the chinese market many top global sedan sellers marvel at its consumption capacity one after another .
- 许多全球顶级的轿车经销商相继进入中国市场之后,都惊讶于这里的消费能力。
- Sudden reversal of fortune this month unhappy things happen one after another must be psychologically prepared .
- 本月运势急转直下,不如意的事相继而来,必须要有心理预备。
- He said the seats in the cabin were gradually coming undone one after another blocking people from getting out .
- 他说船舱里的座椅一个接一个地坏掉散开,挡住了乘客出舱的路。
- But after the itch cells were killed off their scratching plummeted - in some cases stopped completely - when chen introduced one after another itchy substance .
- 但是瘙痒细胞被杀死后,陈教授用一种接一种的瘙痒物质刺激白鼠,但它们搔痒程度骤然降低,有时甚至完全停止。
- On april 27 several sinkholes appeared one after another in yinbin city .
- 4月27日,几个污水坑纷纷出现在宜宾市。
- One after another images and memories flashed through his mind .
- 纷纷伸出通过图象和怀念他的脑海。
- Another nice video feature missing on the ipad : you can set the video player to auto-play a series of videos one after another .
- 它还具有ipad不具备的另一个功能:你可以对视频播放器进行设定,让其一个接一个地自动播放一系列视频。