on the make
- Like their male counterparts they are on the make because they have so little .
- 她们像自己的男同行们一样忙于做生意,因为她们一无所有。
- The park was swarming with sailors on the make .
- 这公园里到处有求爱的水手。
- There is a company which is on the make .
- 正在成立一个公司。
- You were on the make . Admit it .
- 你要承认你是野心勃勃。
- He 's always on the make I have never known him do a disinterested action .
- 他这个人一贯都是唯利是图,我从来不知道他有什么无私的行动。
- He 's on the make everywhere and cultivates all the chicago hotshots .
- 他现在正往上爬,到处结交芝加哥的名流。
- The morality of the decision was of no concern to businessmen on the make .
- 决策是否符合道义,对拼命挣钱的商人说来是无关紧要的。
- Even better we aren 't so painfully on the make any more .
- 更不错的是,我们不再那么痛苦地追名逐利。
- A couple of young men on the make for mortal men or women ?
- 两个一心想猎获凡人男女的年轻男子
- Boobs on the make always try to impress with their high level of seriousness ( wise guys with their contempt for all seriousness ) .
- 蠢才们试图以高度的严肃性来吸引眼球(明智的呢,对一切严肃性的蔑视)。