on the eve of
- A franco-german letter on the eve of the summit said as much in bald terms .
- 峰会前夕法德两国的一份联合信件中毫无掩饰地说到了这一点。
- Secretary of state hillary clinton confirmed as much on the eve of her visit to china in february 2009 .
- 国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)在2009年2月访华前夕证实了这一态度。
- On the eve of the g20 agriculture summit on 22-23 june we urgently need to adopt an ambitious action plan .
- 6月22日23日g20农业峰会举办前夕,我们迫切的需要采取一项更进取地行动计划。
- Mr kim soon to become president kim was a political liberal on the eve of his election in 1997 .
- 当时即将当选为韩国总统的金先生在1997年当选前夕仍然是一位政治自由主义者。
- That 's worse than on the eve of the financial crisis in september 2008 when a similar survey put confidence at minus 37 points .
- 这比2008年9月金融危机前夕还要差,当时一项类似的调查显示,信心指数在负37个百分点。
- On the eve of his trip the junta freed one prominent detainee after seven years of house arrest .
- 在他访问前夕,军政府释放了一个被软禁了7年的被拘留者。
- This shambles is not only bad in itself but is exactly what gm did not need on the eve of its ipo filing .
- 这种乱糟糟的局面本身就很不利,而且恰恰是通用汽车在申请ipo前夕不想看到的。
- On the eve of monetary union 55 % of germans were against it making their nation the euro zone 's most reluctant founders .
- 就在货币联盟成立前夕,55%的德国人反对接受欧元,这使得德国成为欧元区最不情愿的奠基者。
- On the eve of the polls she sacked several ministers as officials exposed a shameful $ 1.2 billion scandal in a rural health scheme .
- 在投票前夕,当有官员披露了一起关于农村医疗计划的金额达12亿美元可耻丑闻,她罢免了数位部长。
- On the eve of the talks gunmen from the militant wing of the islamist hamas movement killed four israeli settlers in the west bank tuesday including a pregnant woman .
- 就在会谈举行的前夕,伊斯兰哈马斯运动激进派的枪手星期二在约旦河西岸打死四名以色列定居者,其中包括一名孕妇。