1. 看不见......
2. 忘记,忽略,看不见
3. 看不见,在视野之外
4. 忘记,忽略,不再看见
5. 不再看见,忽略,忘记
6. 忽略
- You lose sight of why you 're actually learning .
- 这让你忽略了学习的理由。
- That 's the vision we won 't lose sight of .
- 这是我们不会忘记的愿景。
- The leaders gathering this week in seoul must not lose sight of this .
- 本周齐聚首尔的各国领导人决不能忽视这一点。
- But the west must not lose sight of its most compelling idea : democracy .
- 但是西方不能忘记自己要传播的最重要的理念:民主。
- While the parties have shifted their attention toward deficit reduction and spending cuts it is essential that the nation does not lose sight of these much more fundamental problems .
- 当两党向削减赤字和削减开支转移注意力时,有一点非常重要,那就是国家没有忘记注意这些更为基层的问题。
- As election night brought the familiar intense focus on this or that county in ohio or florida it was easy to lose sight of the scale of obama 's achievement .
- 随着选举之夜的降临,人们将焦点再次集中在俄亥俄州或佛罗里达州的某个熟悉的小镇,奥巴马的巨大成就很容易被人忽略。
- Inheritance is such a natural part of object-oriented languages that most developers lose sight of the fact that at its heart it is a coupling mechanism .
- 继承对于面向对象语言来说是如此自然的组成部分,以致于大部分的开发者都忽略了这样的一个事实:即就其本质来说,这是一种耦合机制。
- There 's a tendency to lose sight of this fact because of the rhetoric of green energy and carbon offsets .
- 由于对绿色能源和碳的补偿作用的渲染,现在有种倾向忽视了这种现实。
- Prolonged working can cause someone to become disillusioned as they lose sight of who they are and what they want .
- 当他们忽视了他们是谁,他们需要的是什么,长时间的工作会让他们幻想破灭的。
- How did ibm lose sight of the world it invented ?
- ibm是怎么失去对它所发明的世界的洞察力的?