look up
- Third it is very complex to look up the characters in a dictionary .
- 原因三:即使在字典中查汉字也是非常复杂
- Head for the 2600 block of lemoyne avenue and look up .
- 走向勒莫因大道2600号大楼,抬头看看。
- Through programmes offering cheap telescopes for the masses teaching materials and global heritage projects astronomers are inviting us all to look up and ponder our place in the universe .
- 通过这个项目为大众提供廉价的望远镜,学习的原材料和全球化的传统项目,天文学家正在引导我们所有人仰望上空,沉思我们在宇宙中的所在。
- When people face an uncertain situation they don 't carefully evaluate the information or look up relevant statistics .
- 当人们面对不确定的状况时,通常不会谨慎地评估信息或者查找相关统计资料。
- Information placed within a grid framework and aesthetically designed for ease of use provides an efficient way for people to look up and compare data .
- 将数据信息放置在格子框架中,经过精心的易用性设计,将为用户提供一种高效查阅和比较的手段。
- Which is the better deal for you depends on how you value shelving and the cost of leaving your desk to look up a word .
- 哪个更划算,就看你有多看重自己书架的摆设,还有愿不愿意离开书桌去查一个单词了。
- When I was asked to make the commencement speech I immediately said yes . Then I went to look up what commencement meant .
- 当我应邀来发表毕业演讲时,我毫不犹豫就答应了,然后我才去查毕业典礼是什么意思。
- Whether you 're visiting allmusic to look up an out-of-print recording to get our take on a new release or simply to explore the world of music and see where it may lead you 've come to the right spot .
- 访问allmusic,无论你是查一张绝版唱片,还是让我们增加一个新版本,或者只是在音乐的世界冲冲浪,看看美妙的乐风会伴你去何方,你都来对了地方。
- Look up into the night sky and this illusion begins to falter .
- 抬头仰望夜空,这种错觉就开始站不住脚了。
- Now any little delays and anything that happens on our system passengers tend to look up .
- 现在,任何一点延迟和凡发生在我们的系统里的事情,乘客都会抬起头来看。