1. 期待
2. 留心,留意找
3. 寻找,照料
4. 注意,小心
5. 当心,找寻
6. 照料
7. 寻找
8. 物色
- We got to look out for the signs - empty hangers and shifty looks .
- 我们得注意一切偷窃的迹象,包括店里空空的衣架和顾客诡诈的眼神。
- These contain golden jungle shrines that protect special items but look out for swarms of giant hornets .
- 这里有金色的森林圣坛保护着特别的物品,但你得注意可能有成群的大黄蜂。
- Will you look out for my brother ?
- 你能帮我照顾我弟弟吗?
- Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work .
- 一定要当心你作业中的拼写错误。
- Look out for opportunities to share useful information : that might be in your community in your workplace or even within your family .
- 请寻找机会去分享有用的信息:在您的工作场所,在你的社区,甚至在你的家里。
- Look out for these familiar names and faces when you visit the new facilities .
- 造访新店的时候,你不妨留意一下以下这些熟悉的名字和面孔。
- Look out for thieves when you stay there .
- 你呆在那里时要小心窃贼。
- Look out for careless tongues and quick speeches .
- 留心轻率的舌头和快速的言论。
- For those who find regular laptops too bulky but pda and handled computers too inflexible and underpowered look out for used toshiba laptops such as the libretto .
- 对于那些经常找膝上型电脑太笨重但掌上电脑和处理过于僵化而低估好自为之使用膝上型电脑东芝等唱词.
- To look out for his public 's best interest .
- 找他和公众最感兴趣的人。