live off
基本解释以…为食, 以…为生
- Europeans can live off their inherited wealth for a bit longer and many still lead largely enviable lives .
- 欧洲人未来一段时间内还可以其继承财产生活的舒适坦荡,而且其中很多人的生活仍然令人嫉妒。
- Though 40 % of its 50m people live off less than $ 2 a day south africa has become one of the world 's fattest countries .
- 南非的5千万人口中,有40%日均生活费用低于2美元,可它依然跨入了世界上肥子最多的国家之列。
- I live off of roosevelt .
- 我住在罗斯福附近。
- Even with zero interest rates and sagging house prices it 's still easier to live off capital than off non-existent jobs .
- 即使算上基本为0的利率和下行的房价,以资本为生仍然要比依赖那些根本没影的工作要轻松的多。
- Though socialists believe that these bureaucrats ( at least the democrats ) are truly benevolent individuals concerned about the well-being of others in reality they are there to gain power live off of taxpayer money and advance th
- 尽管社会主义者认为这些官僚(至少是那些民主党人)确实是希望其他人过得更好的好人,但实际上他们只是在那里攫取权力,以纳税人的钱为生,并以此加官进爵。
- But I took jonathan 's advice and I have enough money to live off of for a few months as a safety net because I will live a simple life with few expenses .
- 但我听从了jonathan的建议,我的钱还是足够活几个月,因为我要采取简单的生活方式,花销不会很大。
- They 're good news but they 're not enough to live off of .
- 他们会是好消息,但不足以帮助我们完全脱离困境。
- Every year the groups of seals that live off our coasts are culled because they eat too much fish .
- 每年居住在我们海岸边的海豹群都被人挑出一部分杀死,因为他们吃掉太多的鱼。
- Live off somebody 's generosity .
- 靠别人的慷慨给予而生活。
- Most of these are poor countries that live off foreign aid ; but some larger ones rely on private capital .
- 多数的这类国家是依赖外国援助生存的穷国;但是其中一些大些的国家是依赖私人资本。