leap out
- If you take a glance at advertisements in new york or a-level options in britain an answer seems to leap out : mandarin .
- 如果你看看纽约的广告或是英国的剑桥高级水准科目选择,答案似乎显而易见:汉语。
- Mother gazed at the steam spiraling up from the tub as if expecting a marmalade to leap out of the water but in vain .
- 母亲木讷地看着澡盆上的微微旋起的热气,好像在无奈地等待一条美人鱼突然从中跳出来。
- The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out as me .
- 突然的开门便它轻微的摇摆,这让我感觉它像是要跳出来让我扑来一样。
- L 'll climb on it and then leap out .
- 我爬上去然后就能跳出去了。
- And it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me .
- 让我觉得它好像马上要跳出柜门朝我扑过来似的。
- Out of his mouth go forth flaming torches ; sparks of fire leap out .
- 从口中发出烧着的火把,有火星飞迸而出。
- Sometimes as you make your program easier to understand the bugs just leap out at you .
- 有时候,当你让程序变得易懂时,漏洞自然而然地就显现在你面前。
- Ah god . What the hell did he do just leap out in front of the truck ? .
- 噢,上帝!他是怎么弄的蹦到车前面来?
- It has already opened an arab pandora 's box . Frightening things may yet leap out .
- 阿拉伯的潘多拉魔盒已经被打开,各种邪灵纷纷飞出,或许会有可怕的事情。
- Two things leap out from the list for different reasons .
- 出于不同的原因,列表中有两件事引人注意。