lay to
1. 掉头向风停船
2. 归罪于
3. 归于
4. 掉头向风行船顶风停船
2. 归罪于
3. 归于
4. 掉头向风行船顶风停船
- Let me lay to rest the bugaboo of what is called devaluation .
- 让我来为你们驱除叫做“贬值”的“恶魔”。
- The sea now calm clear and reflecting the midmorning sun lay to her right .
- 大海,现在平静,清晰,反映了今晨的阳光,躺在她的权利。
- Re-allocate the con-rod cover and the connecting rod and lay to one side .
- 重新分配连杆盖和连杆,并放在一旁。
- He says the alaska study may lay to rest some of the long-running discussions from physiologists who treat bear hibernation as a different and ' lesser ' form compared with the big metabolic shifts seen in small animals such as ground squi
- 他说阿拉斯加的研究可能让一些生理学家之间的长期论战告一段落,他们将熊类的冬眠视为与类似黄鼠这样的小型动物的大幅新陈代谢变化相比之下的“一种不同的、‘不足的’形式”。
- By bell 's time others had invented wires and the telegraph had discovered electricity and the basic principles of acoustics . It lay to bell to assemble the pieces : no mean feat but not a superhuman one .
- 到贝尔所处的时代,其他人已经发明了电线和电报,已经发现了电流和声学的基本原理,留给贝尔的任务就是把各种部件装配起来:这虽然是高难技艺,但绝不是什么超人技艺。
- Get dark the moon went home to go to bed the small bird went home to go to bed I also lay to go to bed on the small bed .
- 天黑了,月亮回家睡觉了,小鸟回家睡觉了,我也躺在小床上睡觉了。
- And you gentlemen bring yourselves to ! - You needn 't stand up for mr. hawkins ; he 'll excuse you you may lay to that .
- 诸位,你们还是躺下吧你们不必为霍金斯先生而诚惶诚恐地站着,他会原谅你们的,你们尽管相信我的话好了。
- She knew that rawdow and his wife would lay to miss crawley .
- 她知道罗登和他的太太准在想法子向克劳莱小姐进攻。
- It must lay to rest worries of vulnerability .
- 必须消除对于脆弱性的担忧。
- Mr casey vowed to stay on and to lay to rest allegations of improper business dealings .
- 卡西先生发誓说要留下来消除关于不正当交易的指控。