known to
- It 's actually known to help you sleep better .
- 事实上大家都知道这更有助睡眠。
- Nakheel was known to be in trouble .
- 人们当时就知道棕榈岛集团有麻烦了。
- She said fewer than 20 male sex workers were known to the collective .
- 她说该协会所知道的男性性服务从业者不到20人。
- Few new stars are known to form in elliptical galaxies .
- 几乎没有已知的新恒星形成于椭圆星系。
- The first person known to have a prosthesis .
- 这是已知的第一个安义肢的人。
- Indeed china has been known to punish companies that publicly complain about doing business there .
- 实际上,中国惩罚公开抱怨在中国经商的公司已经为人所知。
- Such groups are known to move systematically between businesses especially foreign ones .
- 这类群体有系统的在企业间,特别是外国企业间流动是众所周知的。
- It began in the traditional fashion with small groups of people well known to each other .
- 标会的起步方式十分传统,几个互相非常了解的人聚集起来即可。
- Giants have even been known to waltz down the street together .
- 那些巨人雕像甚至被一起带到街上跳华尔兹。
- Two of the mutations involved are also known to cause a rare disease called mucolipidosis .
- 涉及到的两种基因突变也能引起一种罕见的疾病粘脂糖症。