keep under
- Expenses are keep under tight control .
- 开销受着严格的控制。
- He knows how to keep under a cough .
- 他知道怎样预防咳嗽。
- The whole question of the allocation of resources will keep under review .
- 有关资源分配的全部问题下周将进行核查。
- These verbs are compared as they mean to hold back or keep under control .
- 当这些动词的词意为抑制或处于控制之下时,常对它们进行比较。
- Look out for falling shrapnel . Keep under cover .
- 小心落下的流弹。隐蔽起来。
- Brandt 's main strike against google is really a belief that it 's acquiring information that is too delicious to keep under wraps .
- brandt反对google的主要斗争是基于这样一种看法:google正在不停地获取那些过于诱人的个人信息。
- The patient is seriously ill and is is keep under continuous observation .
- 病人病情严重,现接受持续观察。
- Don 't keep under your father 's feet while he 's trying to mend the sink
- “爸爸在修洗涤槽,不要妨碍他了。”
- Continue to implement and keep under review guidelines on sustainable urban design .
- 继续落实并不时检讨有关可持续发展城市设计。