1. 反过来
2. 必然地
3. 依次,轮流
4. 导致
5. 轮流,依次
6. 相反
7. 进而
8. 依次地,反过来
- Let us consider each of these points in turn .
- 那就让我们依次分析一下这几点。
- This in turn pushed share prices higher .
- 这转而推动股价进一步走高。
- And finally when they have kids they 'll start explaining the whole strange story to them in turn .
- 最后,在他们有孩子的时候,会轮到他们开始向孩子们解释这整个奇特的故事。
- Consider these points in turn .
- 让我们依次考虑这些观点。
- That in turn may make them less willing to lend at home .
- 这转而使英国银行更加不情愿向国内发放贷款。
- That in turn would spawn work in nearby coffee shops and so forth .
- 它能够为周边的咖啡店等产业依次带来不少工作机会。
- Banks in turn warn that new rules will choke credit .
- 而众银行却反过来警告称新的监管条例将会阻滞信贷。
- But this in turn only complicates the already fraught politics of the regime 's leadership succession .
- 但这反过来只会让围绕王位继承问题产生的业已紧张的政治局势变得更加复杂。
- Growth demanded stability which in turn required that china 's neighbours did not feel threatened .
- 稳定是发展的前提,这就反过来需要中国的诸邻国不至于太紧张。
- A stronger economy in turn feeds back into the demand and this strengthens the economy further .
- 而强劲的经济反过来有促进了对商品和服务的需求,这样又进一步刺激了经济。