in the least
基本解释adv. 丝毫;绝
1. 一点,丝毫
2. 丝毫,一点
3. 一点
2. 丝毫,一点
3. 一点
- He was not in the least bothered by budget deficits .
- 弗里德曼一点儿也不担心预算赤字。
- Alpher said he was not in the least surprised by the attack .
- 阿尔法说;他对此袭击“毫不惊奇”。
- Speaker julien chiavassa further noted that china has added more internet users in the least 3 years than exist in the entire united states .
- 发言人julienchiavassa进一步指出,中国在过去三年增加的网民数量比美国目前的网民总数还多。
- In the least compelling parts of his book ikenberry blames the crisis of liberal international order or its dramatic exacerbation on the george w. bush administration .
- 伊肯伯里将自由主义国际秩序的危机,或者急剧恶化,归咎于布什政府老生常谈,这可能是本书最不吸引人眼球的部分了。
- Moreover the bank relies on voluntary contributions from the advanced industrial countries to carry out its essential missions in the least developed countries .
- 此外,世行依靠发达工业国的自愿捐助来完成在最不发达国家的基本使命。
- Building on the methods of organic-farming pioneer alan chadwick jeavons developed an eight-point gardening system that calls for close spacing of plants vigorous composting and soil maintenance and calorie farming which means focusing on cro
- 在有机农业先驱alanchadwick的方法的基础上,jeavons开发出了一个名为密集种植、大力堆肥和土壤养护以及“热量农业”的八点园林系统,它的重点就在于要在最少的空间里生产出最营养的作物。
- Are you tired of me yet ? . No not in the least .
- 我让你感到厌倦了吗?没有。至少现在还没有.
- Markets have their own ways to get us to the right place although they do not always do it in the least disruptive manner .
- 市场自会把我们带到正确的地方,尽管它们并不总是按照破坏性最小的方式。
- The hakka are renowned for their resolute determination to preserve their traditions and their ability to survive in the least promising of environments .
- 客家人素以保持自身传统的坚定的决心以及即使是在最艰苦的自然环境中也能够生存的能力而著称。
- Forget any attempt to train your memory but not in the least learn those techniques which when conscientiously applied will help you to remember facts and figures .
- 忘记任何试图训练你的记忆力(的方法)但至少不要忘记学习那些当实际应用时能帮你记住事例和数据的技巧。