in so many words
基本解释adv. 明确地
1. 明确地,直截了当地
2. 一字不差地
2. 一字不差地
- Wasn 't that what he told you ? In so many words .
- 不,他告诉你吗?-在这么多的话。
- He didn 't ask me to leave in so many words but he made it clear he didn 't want me there .
- 他没有直截了当地叫我走,不过他很清楚不要我在那里。
- In so many words we are not dependents any more but independent individuals who take full responsibility for our actions and their consequences .
- 直截了当地说吧,我们不再依赖别人了,而是要对自己的行为及其后果负全部责任的独立人了。
- They say in so many words I 've no idea what more the president can do . Why is he not doing more ?
- 他们坦言,“我完全不知道总统还能做些什么。他为什么不再多做些什么?”
- When paul spoke to king agrippa and described how god had called him to preach the gospel message he essentially broke that message down and in so many words defined it .
- 当保罗对亚基帕王说话并且描述上帝如何召唤他并且宣扬主的的福音时,他简明扼要地阐述了福音的本质,并用许多话,使之明确。
- The above is not to be found in marshall 's principles in so many words . Yet his theory seems to be this and it is what I myself was brought up on and what I taught for many years to others .
- 上述这些虽然在马歇尔的《原理》中你不会找到这样的原话,但他的理论读下来就是这些东西,这也是我本人所受到过的教育,是我在多年中曾教给别人的东西。
- And indistinguishable in so many words and deeds how can people help suspecting that you are working hand in glove with them or have come to some secret understanding with them ?
- 你们的这样许多言论行动,既然和敌人汉奸的所有这些言论行动一模一样,毫无二致,毫无区别,怎么能够不使人们疑心你们和敌人汉奸互相勾结,或订立了某种默契呢?
- Yes in so many words ; and it must be so for the abb knows correctly the amount of all the largest fortunes in europe .
- “是的,信上是这么说的,这一定没有假,因为神甫对于欧洲所有的大富翁的财产都了如指掌。”
- He told me in so many words that he was leaving for london tomorrow .
- 他明确告诉我,他明天将起程去伦敦。
- The regime is not yet threatening to do so in so many words .
- 该政权目前还没有明确威胁要这样做。