in compliance with
1. 遵照
2. 按照
3. 遵
4. 依从
2. 按照
3. 遵
4. 依从
- The government should follow this with a review of existing concessions to establish whether they were granted in compliance with indonesian law .
- 政府应该重新审核现存开采权以确定其是否符合印尼法律。
- The bank says it followed the same procedure as in other public offerings and that it is in compliance with all applicable regulations .
- 摩根士丹利称这次发行和其他的公开发行遵循同样的程序,完全符合相关法律条文。
- Peter hintze germany 's deputy economy minister said : I am very confident that we can persuade the commission we are acting fully in compliance with eu law .
- 德国副经济部长彼得欣策(peterhintze)表示:“我确信我们能够使欧委会相信,我们的行为完全符合欧盟法律。”
- In compliance with your request we are now offering you 2000 dozen magnifiers at $ 30 per dozen cif san francisco september shipment .
- 按照您的要求,我们会给您的2000打放大镜为30美金一打,旧金山到岸价,9月装船。
- There is a ceasefire and russia is currently not in compliance with this ceasefire she told fox news sunday .
- 她在周日对福克斯新闻(foxnews)表示:“停火协议已达成,但是俄罗斯目前并未遵守它。”
- In the spring the united nations suspicious that there was something keeping women from full-time jobs launched an inquiry to see whether the netherlands was in compliance with the women 's rights treaty .
- 联合国认为这其中必定有某些原因阻碍了女性从事全职工作,在今年春天专门对荷兰是否制定了符合妇女权益条约展开了调查。
- On the other hand the international community must agree that an iran in compliance with the non-proliferation treaty has a right to civilian nuclear power .
- 另一方面,国际社会必须同意,只要伊朗遵守《核不扩散条约》,就有权开发民用核能。
- It allows all other countries in compliance with their treaty obigations to pursue civilian nuclear power but no nuclear weapons .
- 该条约允许所有其他国家在遵守该条约规定的义务的前提下合法开发利用民用核能,但不允许发展核武器。
- He is being charged as an adult in compliance with murder law in pennsylvania .
- 按照宾夕法尼亚州的法律,他将会以成人的身份被起诉。
- It was done in compliance with your wish .
- 这事已经按照你的愿望做了。