hear out
- Hear out how she has managed to make a great hobby of getting things for free .
- 听到她如何设法成为一名伟大的业余爱好得到的东西是免费的。
- I cant hear out of my left ear the man told the judge .
- “我的左耳听不见。”那人告诉法官。
- Can you hear out of your right ear ?
- 你的右边耳朵听得见吗?
- About pouring their hear out .
- 让别人聆听完他们的倾诉。
- Be sure to hear out your manager fully before saying anything .
- 在发言之前,你要确保自己已经完整地听取了主管的发言。
- Still can 't hear out of my right ear .
- 我现在右耳都还听不清楚。
- Inside wall street : that ticking sound you hear out in the .
- 华尔街内幕:这褥套的声音,你听出了.
- I made them a promise that we would seriously hear out their grievances .
- 我答应他们会认真听取他们的委屈。
- I stopped to hear out where the sound could be coming from .
- 我停下来在哪里听到的声音可能是来自。
- Yes or no that 's all I wanna hear out of you .
- 除了是和否,其他的我都不想听。