go on for
- We could go on for a long time discussing this .
- 我们可以长时间继续讨论这件事嘛。
- In private most bankers say it cannot go on for much longer .
- 在私底下,大部分的银行家表示,兼并热不可能持续太长。
- I actually didn 't mean to go on for that long but it just kind of happened .
- 我实际上并不想在这个问题上说得太过头了,我只是就事论事而已。
- You shouldn 't have let this go on for so long without seeing a doctor .
- 你不该病了这么长时间也不去看医生。
- This cannot go on for much longer .
- 欧元已经到了最危险的时候。
- Although this can go on for a while the stress is showing up in two different areas .
- 虽然这能够持续一段时间,但压力仍将在两个不同方面显现出来。
- But it cannot go on for ever .
- 但它不可能永远持续下去。
- It won 't go on for ever .
- 它不会总这样追下去吧。
- The talks cannot go on for ever .
- 谈判不能永无休止地继续下去。
- Building credibility is nourishing trust that can go on for a long time .
- 建设诚信是滋补相信可以上了很久.