go off
- Clumsy . Did the timer go off ?
- 我真笨拙定时器响了吗?
- The two bombs were timed to go off together .
- 这两枚炸弹被定在同时爆炸。
- Fearing this you go off and do everything you 've been told .
- 你恐惧纠结于此,便开始做你被教育去做的一切。
- Your audience need to know that when they go off to their separate rooms that they have the power to ( politely ) make that person shut up .
- 你的宾客需要明白当他们要离开此场馆而到各自的场馆去时,可以礼貌地让那位朋友闭嘴。
- Are you just gonna go off like that without saying nothing ?
- 你打算就这样,什么也不说就走吗?
- Any bells go off ?
- 有警钟响起来了吗?
- Hear smoke alarm go off .
- 听到烟雾报警就去.
- You think I really wanted that bomb to go off jack ?
- 你以为我真的想让那核弹爆炸,杰克?
- The two photons go off together as coherent radiation .
- 这两个光子一起发射出去,形成相干辐射。
- When did she go off the theory ?
- 她是什么时候放弃这一理论的?