go forward
- The smile holds not mystery but meaning : together we go forward .
- 笑容代表的不是谜团,而是“我们一起共同前进”的涵义。
- The point is in how you now go forward bearing this new way of being .
- 重点是你现在该如何前进,承担这种自我新生的生活方式。
- The path we 've been on is blocked ; we need to take a few steps backward to be able to go forward again .
- 这就像是前方的道路被堵住,就需要后退几步以便重新前进一样。
- The famous writer emphasizes on the typical lifestyle of the individual 's attitude and values and tried to inflict lights to build courage and strength to go forward towards their goal and aim even at the difficult times .
- 这位优秀的作家倾向于典型的个人态度及价值观的生活方式,努力给予希望去建立自信和力量,在最困难的时候依然向着他们的目标前进。
- And go forward thinking no longer of the past but of peace and the present .
- 不要在过去停留太多时间,然后在和平中继续前行。
- Differences over the best way to go forward so far have delayed approval of the expanded fund .
- 迄今为止由于扩大提供资金的批准已经被推迟,错过了向前推进的最好方式。
- The execution will go forward .
- 死刑仍然要继续进行。
- Go forward for two blocks then turn right .
- 往前走两个街区,再向右转便是。
- Am I not permitted to go forward unencumbered ?
- 不能容许我无牵无挂地向前走吗?
- You will have to go forward of the mast .
- 你必须向船头走去。