1. 暂时
2. 暂时,目前
3. 眼下,暂时
4. 暂时的
5. 目前,暂时
6. 暂时,眼下
7. 权且
8. 此时
- For the time being however the regime is holding firm .
- 然而,这一次,伊朗的政权暂时依旧稳固。
- A swiss operator is taking over with profitability assured for the time being .
- 接管酒店的是一位瑞士经营者,暂时算是可能确保盈利。
- For the time being at least disenchanted dpj voters have flocked back to the party .
- 至少,暂时地,曾一度感到幻灭的民主党支持者们又开始为该党摇旗呐喊了。
- Many seem satisfied at least for the time being by mr fayyad 's volte face on prices .
- 很多人似乎满足于法耶兹先生在价格一事上的回复,至少暂时是这样。
- For the time being mr abbas has reasserted his authority .
- 从目前来看,阿巴斯重新树立了自己的权威。
- But war in syria makes that unlikely for the time being .
- 但由于叙利亚国内交战,这一计划目前不可能实现了。
- For the time being it remains an impressively large hole in the ground .
- 而目前在地上看,它仍是一个让人印象深刻的大坑。
- For the time being al-qaeda looks set to hold onto its desert refuge .
- 就目前来说,基地组织看起来打算守卫住其沙漠的避难所。
- For the time being where the world economy goes so goes japan .
- 目前,世界经济之舟正栽着日本,亦沉亦浮。