fix upon
- Fix upon a person to do a task .
- 选定某人担任一项任务。
- Automobile crane is a of project machine main class since 2002 the new change that the market appeared to make a person fix eyes upon .
- 汽车起重机是工程机械的一个主要门类自2002年以来市场出现了令人瞩目的新变化。
- I think it 's a mistake for a startup to fix upon a specific number .
- 我认为创业公司死守某个特定数目,这种行为本身就是错误的。
- But now if we were to fix upon this one aspect of the counter culture -- its mystic tendencies and principled funkiness -- we would not be doing justice to the deep ambiguity of the movement .
- 但是现在,如果我们要专注于反文化的这一个方面也就是它的神秘主义倾向和骨子里的复古主义那么我们对于这场极度含混不清的运动便是不公平的。
- He tried to fix his affection upon a former classmate but failed .
- 他想同一位老同学谈恋爱,但失败了。
- It is well for us to fix our eyes upon the blood of the one offering for sin .
- 定睛在宝血上是必要的,因为那是惟一的赎罪祭。
- He closed his eyes in order to fix his last thoughts upon his wife and children .
- 他闭上眼睛,让最后的思绪停留在妻子和孩子身上。
- He closed his eyes to fix his last thoughts upon his wife and children .
- 他闭上两眼,最后思念起妻子和孩子们来。
- Make it the first object to fix and hold your attention upon your studies .
- 你要把专心致志于学业作为第一目标。
- Make it the first object to be able to fix and hold your attention upon your study .
- 把专心致志于学业,持久不懈,作为第一目标。