1. 很少,很稀疏
2. 少见的
3. 难能可贵
4. 凤毛麟角
5. 很少,稀少
6. 稀疏的
7. 很少
8. 寥寥无几
- Good business opportunities for women are few and far between .
- 对妇女而言,好的工作机会实在太少了。
- The internationalist pretensions of hagi 's most famous son notwithstanding the foreigners living there these days are few and far between .
- 尽管这位城这位最著名的儿子享有着国际主义者的称号,目前居住在此的外国人却很稀少。
- Towns in the nevada wilderness are few and far between .
- 在内华达旷野中很少小镇。
- Top nine lists are few and far between and top eleven lists unheard of .
- 顶九个名单凤毛麟角名单和11顶稀奇.
- Great husbands are few and far between .
- 伟大的丈夫是寥寥可数。
- Good textbooks are few and far between .
- 好的教科书实在太少了。
- Bright spots have been few and far between .
- 今年的亮点可谓少之又少。
- Hold on to good friends ; they are few and far between .
- 抓紧你的好朋友婆媳关系,他们是很稀疏的。
- Really good cooks are few and far between .
- 好的厨师真是少得很。
- Jobs that pay well are few and far between .
- 待遇好的工作实在太少了。