feed off
- They 're generally considered the universal symbol for dirty living quarters in part because roaches feed off rotting organic matter and can spread diseases like dysentery and typhoid .
- 小强被普遍看作是居所肮脏的标志,部分是因为它们以腐败的有机物质为食,会传播痢疾伤寒之类的疾病。
- If anything immigrants seemed to crowd in native innovation perhaps because ideas feed off each other .
- 总之,移民似乎促进了本国的创新者,可能是因为彼此依靠着对方的观点。
- They feed off of rats .
- 他们把老鼠的饲料.
- Gonna take the feed off my cattle on this range .
- 在这地区抢我牛只的饲料。
- You have to feed off of each other in this routine you know ?
- 你们两个要在这支舞中互相喂食知道吗?
- Your body and spirit feed off your thoughts so you need to make sure these thoughts are nurturing and not negative .
- 你的身体和精神孕育着你的想法,所以你需要保证这些想法能够得到孕育而不是忽视。
- Coral reefs are formed by deposits of calcium carbonate left by successive generations of tiny polyps which feed off plankton .
- 珊瑚礁是由历代以浮游生物为食的小水螅所遗留下来的碳酸钙沉积物而形成的。
- In common with the other big current account surplus countries notably china and germany the japanese economy is structured to feed off the excess demand of other nations .
- 和其他当前大型的帐面贸易顺差国一样比如中国和德国日本经济是构架在满足其他国家的过量需求的基础上的。
- Nationalism could feed off these tensions and fuel more steps like denmark 's move away from the eu 's commitment to open borders among its states .
- 民族主义能够抵制这些紧张局势,引发如丹麦违背欧盟承诺拒绝对成员国大开国门这样的情况。
- This is why the false gods had the pharaohs gather so many larger headed humans nearby ; to feed off of them for the purposes of life extension and dominion .
- 这就是为什么虚假神要让法老们在附近聚拢这么多大头颅人类的缘故,原来是为了延长寿命和统治而以其为食。