far cry
基本解释n. 长距离;天壤之别
- But running a company is a far cry from perfect happiness .
- 但是,运行一个公司,离完美的幸福相去甚远。
- It is all a far cry from mr romney 's car lifts and swiss bank accounts .
- 但这却与罗姆尼先生的汽车电梯和瑞士银行账户相去甚远。
- But it will be a far cry from the triumph of his first ascension to the presidency in 2000 .
- 但是这与他在2000年第一次胜利当选总统相比依然是相距甚远的。
- The past two weeks of speechifying were a far cry from the democratic convention of 1924 when it took 103 ballots to settle on a nominee .
- 过去两周的高谈阔论和1924年的民主党大会可差得远了,那一年整整103名代表投票才最终决出大选提名人。
- Businessmap estimates that only 7 % of the ownership of the stock exchange has moved into black hands a far cry from the 25 % target .
- 经济地图联盟推测只有7%的股份权已经转交到了黑人手中,离设定的25%的目标相差甚远。
- What a far cry from the times when one garment could be worn for life and even inherited by children !
- 这与一件衣服可穿一生甚至传给下一代的时期存在天壤之别。
- His new role is a far cry from his previous career as a tax lawyer with linklaters .
- 他的新角色与其之前职业可相距甚远他曾在年利达(linklaters)律所任税务律师。
- All of this is a far cry from last year when ak heralded its so-called kurdish opening .
- 这一切冲突与一年前大相径庭,那时ak提出了它所谓的库尔德“倡议”。
- The effort so far is a far cry from the massive stimulus program it unleashed in 2008 .
- 目前为止,这些措施跟2008年的大规模刺激比起来还差很远。