enter on
- The information you enter on this page is stored with your license .
- 您在此页输入的信息将会跟你的许可证一同存储.
- It is manifestly impossible within the limits of this article to enter on a detailed discussion of these points .
- 正是在这篇文章的限制显然不可能进入这些点的详细讨论。
- Conscious of my own deficiency I cannot enter on these duties without great anxiety for the result .
- 由于意识到自己的不足,所以在开始履行这些义务时,我无法不对将来的结果表示极大的忧虑。
- Press enter on the right to the operation group to add it to the ldap transaction .
- 按“操作”组右侧的enter,将该属性添加到ldap事务中。
- Civil police and the elite squad known as bope for its portuguese acronym have been gathering and are apparently planning to enter on november 13th .
- 民事警察和精英队,被葡萄牙语缩写为bope,已集结完毕,显然是计划在11月13日进入。
- Statement and the terminating colon then press return or enter on your keyboard the python interpreter realizes you have entered a compound statement .
- 语句和终止的冒号,并按键盘上的回车键时,python解释器就知道您输入了一个复合语句。
- These firms keep themselves afloat with oil bonds which the government guarantees but does not enter on its books .
- 这些公司只能依靠政府承诺但又不确定的“石油债券”维持下去。
- Then I stationed some of my servants at the gates so that no load would enter on the sabbath day .
- 我又派我几个仆人管理城门、免得有人在安息日担甚麽担子进城。
- When you see the time zone you want click it or press enter on your keyboard .
- 看到您要的时区,请单击该时区或按键盘上的enter键。
- You do not want to go into space that individuals are not set to enter on it .
- 把你不想让进入空间那个人不设置成可进入就可以了。